Year 2024, Volume 9, Issue 2
Year : | 2024 |
Volume : | 9 |
Issue : | 2 |
Authors : | Vojislav TRKULJA, Gordana BABIĆ, Bojana ĆURKOVIĆ, Bojana VUKOVIĆ, Jovana PRIJIĆ, Bogdan NEDIĆ |
Abstract : | Xylophilus ampelinus, the causal agent of bacterial necrosis in grapevine is listed in Annex II, Part A, Section II of the Directive 2000/29/EC. The only known host of these quarantine bacteria is grapevine. Considering that X. ampelinus is listed on quarantine I A1list in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and due the high direct and indirect impacts in yield reduction, death of host plants and specific disease management procedures survey in Republic of Srpska (RS) was approved and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of RS since 2019. Sampling of host plants was carried out in seven regional units of RS in registered nurseries and seedling production places, farms, as well as at border crossings in RS. Laboratory analyses were carried out in accordance with the EPPO diagnostic protocols: PM Bulletin 39, 403–412. Protocols include extraction from symptomatic and asymptomatic plant material, followed by isolation or two tests based on a different principle: DAS-ELISA for the serological and a conventional PCR test for the molecular detection. Manceauet al. (2005) protocol was used for DNA extraction and a set of primers Xa TS1 5`-TGC GTA GTT CAA CAC CAA AGT-3`, Xa TS2 5`-TAT GAC CCT CTT TCC ACC AGC-3` or Xa TS2 BIO 5`Biotine-TAT GAC CCT CTT TCC ACC AGC-3` was used for the detection of X. ampelinus. During 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, 65, 58, 40 and 28 samples were analyzed, respectively. All tested samples were X. ampelinus negative, but considering consequences if bacteria occur, surveillance program is continued in 2023. |
For citation : | Trkulja, V., Babić, G., Ćurković, B., Vuković, B., Prijić, J., Nedić, B. (2024). Survey on the presence of quarantine bacteria of grapevine Xylophilus ampelinus in Republic of Srpska 2019-2022. AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 9. Issue No. 2. pp. 108-114. DOI: 10.7251/AGREN2402108T |
Keywords : | Xylophilus ampelinus, grapevine, survey, Republic of Srpska. |
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