Year 2016, Volume 1, Issue 1

Year : 2016
Volume : 1
Issue : 1
Authors : Mahamadou MOUSSA DIT KALAMOU, Philippe LEBAILLY, Boubacar YAMBA
Abstract : The present reflection analyzes the situation of farmlands and pastoral lands in the region of Tahoua in Niger in connection with the environmental conditions in a context marked by considerable regional demographic growth of 4.6% in 2012. These hinder the efforts of the country in the wrestling against food insecurity. It also analyzes the land stakes in this particular case, the intervention of the programs of recoveries of lands and the strategies developed by actors to guarantee their food security. It results from the synthesis of direct observations and from the inquiries on ground. The investigation realized in 2010 concerned 420 households distributed in twenty selected villages following a reasoned sampling and according to demographic weight of eight (8) departments of the region. The objective is to measure the impact of the land dynamics in fighting against the food insecurity and poverty of women in the region of Tahoua. It emerges from this study that 3% of the households without land; in spite of the average of nine (9) individuals by households, or approximately 2.62 hectares by field. The surfaces of fields vary from 0.11 to 17 hectares. Fields are located on trays, in the slum and at the level of dunes in agricultural zone. We attend an emergence of fields beyond the north end of the cultures. Most of the forest lands were transformed into areas of pasture, then into fields of culture after the development interventions.
For citation : Moussa Dit Kalamou, M., Lebailly, P., Yamba, B. (2016). Land issue around the lands recovered in the region of Tahoua in Niger. AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 1. Issue No. 1. pp. 195-201. DOI:10.7251/AGRENG1601195K
Keywords : land tax, lands got back, Tahoua, Niger
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