Year 2022, Volume 7, Issue 2

Year : 2022
Volume : 7
Issue : 2
Authors : Di MAO, Frank RIESBECK, Michael Henry BÖHME
Abstract : Nowadays, water resources scarcity has become a severe issue that interferes with economic, social, and ecological development. As the most significant use of water resources in agriculture, irrigation plays a crucial role in ensuring agricultural production when rainfall is insufficient to maintain the growth of crops. In this paper, estimation of water resources in irrigation practices was carried out in Baoding since the area suffers from water scarcity, and the situation there is worsening, especially after the founding of Xiongan New District. This study aimed to evaluate the supply and demand balance of irrigation at the municipal and county levels through the climate information and crop pattern summarization in Baoding. Data provided by Agricultural Machinery Bureau was integrated with CLIMWAT 2.0 to compute crop water requirements, irrigation requirements, and irrigation schemes in CROPWAT 8.0. Results show that an estimated sum of 1881.3 mm annual crop water requirements comprising the vast majority of crops in agricultural production led to 1493.5 million m3 irrigation requirements, creating an irrigation deficit of 119.2 million m3. The greater cutdown on annual water supply compared to the irrigation requirements led to a consecutive exacerbation of annual irrigation deficits. Suggestions, including physical and political measures, were provided to improve the current situation in Baoding.
For citation : Mao, D., Riesbeck, F., Böhme, M.H. (2022). Assessment of regional irrigation water requirements and actual supply in Baoding, China, AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 7. Issue No. 2. pp. 20-28. DOI: 10.7251/AGRENG2202020M
Keywords : Crop water requirements, Irrigation requirements, CROPWAT 8.0, Baoding.
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