Year 2020, Volume 5, Issue 2
Year : | 2020 |
Volume : | 5 |
Issue : | 2 |
Authors : | Ola T. ALHALABI, Bayan M. MUZHER |
Abstract : | This investigation was carried out at General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Research – Pome and Grapevine Division in Sweida governorate (Syria), from 2013 to 2017, to evaluate the ability of two new local apple rootstocks (SukariAlswieda ‘S’and SkarjiAlswieda ‘H’) to vegetative propagation in stool bed. The results showed that the second year of propagation significantly produced the highest number of rooted shoots (liners) from each rootstock (7 liners and 5 liners in ‘S’ and ‘H’ respectively). ‘S’ and ‘H’ rootstocks revealed significant difference in average produced liners. However, the length and diameter of liners from ‘H’ rootstock did not show significant difference among studied years, they were in average 59.1 cm and 6.1 mm respectively.While as, the highest length and diameter of liners from ‘S’ were in the third year (82.3 cm and 7.6 mm respectively). On the other hand, the two studied rootstocks produced liners with good and stable root system which differed in structure between them, that ‘S’ rootstock revealed coarse (woody) roots, while in ‘H’ rootstock the roots were hairy. The number of roots was in average 17 roots and 12 roots in the liners of ‘S’ and ‘H’ respectively.As well as. the average length of liners roots were 23.4 cm and 22.2 cm in ‘S’ and ‘H’ respectively. Consequently, the clonal propagation for the studied rootstocks in stool bed is a sufficient tool to produce liners similar to the plant parent and they are ready to be budded with cultivars scions. |
For citation : | Alhalabi, O. T., Muzher B. M. (2020). Clonal propagation capacity of two new apple rootstocks by stooling. AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 5. Issue No. 2. pp. 35-41. DOI:10.7251/AGRENG2002037A |
Keywords : | apple, rootstock, vegetative propagation, stool bed. |
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