Year 2018, Volume 3, Issue 2
Year : | 2018 |
Volume : | 3 |
Issue : | 2 |
Authors : | Andrey GOLUBTSOV, Sergey SEMENOV, Aleksandr ARYSTOV |
Abstract : | The effect of low-intensity laser radiation on the biochemical, immune and clinical status of hypotrophic calves was studied. The studies were carried out in 2 groups (test and control ones) of 12 animals with symmetric moderate hypotrophy. The calves in the test group underwent low-intensity laser irradiation of blood within the red spectral range (wave length of 630 nm). The animals of the control group (intact) were not treated. Clinical observations of the calves were carried out during 2 months, taking into account the incidence, duration and severity of the course of the disease, as well as the calves’ weight gain. Blood sampling for biochemical and immunological studies was performed on the 1st and the 21st days of the calves’ life. On the first day the biochemical status and natural resistance in the animals of the both groups did not differ. On the 21st day, the calves of the test group had higher levels of glucose, pyruvic acid, vitamin E, Blood Serum Complement Activity (SCA), Blood Serum Lysozyme Activity (SLA), Leucocyte Phagocytic Activity (LPA), Phagocytic Number (PN), Phagocytic Intensivity (PI), and lower levels of lactic acid, middle molecules and ectoglobular hemoglobin in comparison with the control group. The treatment of the animals with low-intensity laser radiation positively affected their clinical state and productivity. The calves in the test group had mild forms of gastrointestinal diseases with a shorter course duration, and the increase in body weight was significantly higher compared with the control group. The positive effects of low-intensity laser radiation on biochemical status, natural resistance and clinical condition of hypotrophic calves were established, which allows us to recommend it for their rehabilitation. |
For citation : | Golubtsov, A., Semenov, S., Arystov, A. (2018). Use of low-intensity laser radiation in rehabilitation of hypotrophic calves. AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 3. Issue No. 2. pp. 136-141. DOI: 10.7251/AGRENG1802136G |
Keywords : | calves, antenatal hypotrophy, low-intensity laser radiation, biochemical status of blood, natural resistance |
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