Year 2022, Volume 7, Issue 3

Year : 2022
Volume : 7
Issue : 3
Authors : Monika JAKUBUS
Abstract : Biowastes (garden and park wastes, food and kitchen wastes from households and restaurants) are a group of municipal wastes, which mass has recently increased significantly. Currently due to the rapid increase in the mass of municipal solid waste, it must be perceived as a multidimensional global problem. Thus proper waste management must be developed to attain such goals as prevention of waste generation and reduction of its volume, as well as encouraging its reuse and raw material recovery. Biowaste composting is a popular and cheap solution, in line with the circular economy concept and principles of sustainable management of organic mass. Such composts can be important organic fertilizers for use in organic agriculture. However, the quality of composts must be valorized and verified, the more so as they are made of waste of different origins. In this study, the quality of composts and vermicompost prepared from various biowastes was assessed in terms of their use for organic agriculture. In the analyzed materials the content of macro- and micronutrients essential for plants, heavy metal amounts as well as the quantity and quality of humic compounds were determined. On the basis of the obtained results it can be concluded that both vermicompost and composts showed good quality, serving as a valuable source of organic matter and nutrients for plants and thus they can be used for organic agriculture. Moreover, the content of heavy metals in these organic materials did not exceed the permissible standards.
For citation : Jakubus, M. (2022). Production of fertilizers from biowastes for organic agriculture. AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 7. Issue No. 3 pp. 39-46. DOI: 10.7251/AGRENG2203039J
Keywords : organic wastes, vermicompost, compost, macro- micronutrients, humic compounds
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