Year 2020, Volume 5, Issue 2

Year : 2020
Volume : 5
Issue : 2
Authors : Mohamed SARMOUM, Rafael NAVARRO-CIRRILLO, Frederic GUIBAL, Fatiha ABDOUN
Abstract : Aleppo pine is the most important forest species in Algeria. This species has been used for a long time in reforestation programs, notably the “green dam” planted in the 1970s. Despite this importance, the Aleppo pine continues to undergo all kinds of degradation such as land clearing, illegal cutting and fire. This situation is causing reduction of potential wood production, also jeopardizing the vitality of the stands and their regeneration. This work aims to describe the typology, productivity and dynamics of Aleppo pine stands in the Ouarsenis massif (West of Algeria). 27 plots were installed to describe the stands (composition of forest species, dbh , total height, and basal area). Regeneration was estimated by the rate of juvenile individuals (dbh<5cm). The results obtained shows that the Aleppo pine develops different conditions for altitude, climate and type of soil. These conditions have a direct influence on the structure of the Aleppo pine and its productivity. The best populations develop on an average altitude (500 to 1400 m), in subhumid and semi-arid climates, on southern exposures and on limestone soils. The stands are mostly young (age <70 years) with good natural regeneration. These results put focus on the factors of degradation of the Aleppo pine, in particular the recurring fires and the lack of silvicultural management which application can improve the productivity and the vitality of the stands.
For citation : Sarmoum, M., Navarro-Cirrillo, R., Guibal, F., Abdoun, F. (2020). Typology, productivity and dynamics of Aleppo pine stands in the Ouarsenis massif (Algeria). AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 5. Issue No. 2. pp. 112-121. DOI:10.7251/AGRENG2002114S
Keywords : Aleppo pine, Ouarsenis massif, productivity, stands dynamic
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