Year 2018, Volume 3, Issue 2

Year : 2018
Volume : 3
Issue : 2
Authors : Erika QUENDLER, Adriano CIANI, Malgorzata PINK
Abstract : Recently there has been a surge of interest in family farms – in particular because 2014 was declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Family Farming. This focus on family farms is mainly a reaction to several trends, such as economic pressures, large-scale land grabbing or the restructuring of agrifood chains, etc. Yet it has to be recognised that the changes taking place in agriculture and agrifood systems put into question the role of family farms. This paper responds to the need for a review of family farms by examining the situation in Austria, Italy and Poland. It uses the ‘sole holder criteria’ based on the legal form of the farmer to identify family farms. It analyses the status of family farms in terms of (I) numbers, area cultivated, livestock and labour force, (II) their contribution to nutrition and food security, and (III) their consideration within the agricultural policies. The situations in Austria, Italy and Poland are outlined using official agricultural census data, 2013. The results show, family farms are by far the prevailing form of agriculture in these three countries. Furthermore, we explore the country specific characteristics within the policy environment given in which family farms operate and how this policy supports them. Finally, this form of farm poses significant challenges for food production and systematic policy design. We conclude by giving some suggestions on future perspectives and the areas for further research.
For citation : Quendler, E., Ciani, A., Pink, M.(2018). Family farms in Austria, Italy and Poland. AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 3. Issue No. 2. pp. 97-105. DOI:10.7251/AGRENG1802097Q
Keywords : Austria, family farms, Italy, Poland, policy aspects
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